Victors Care opening
Victors Care has one location in Ann Arbor with plans to open in Bloomfield Township at 4190 Telegraph Road in July of 2025. Victors Care offers “concierge medicine” which is available to a limited number of patients for an affordable annual membership fee, resulting in a more convenient approach to primary care. The practice is designed to build a relationship between patient and physician with the goals to optimize health, manage chronic conditions and stay one step ahead of illness or injury. Patients receive 24/7 telephone access to their Victors Care primary care physician – maintaining a dialog and building a relationship for the long term. Office visits are not rushed and last as long as necessary. Patients enjoy same or next day appointments that accommodate their schedule or telephone consults for problems that may not require an office visit. Victors Care also offers full range of care including wellness, prevention, chronic disease management and complex care. The doctors at Victors Care are all University of Michigan physicians.
Business Matters for the Birmingham - Bloomfield area are reported by Gigi Nichols. Send items for consideration to Items should be received three weeks prior to publication.