Birmingham, Bloomfield Township, Bloomfield Hills

Haley Stevens is currently in her second term as congresswoman for Michigan's 11th District. She previously was chief of staff to the United States Auto Rescue in the Obama Administration, as special advisor to the Department of Commerce Economic Development Administrator. She is active with Women in Manufacturing and the Pontiac Farmers Market, and is a frequent speaker at her alma mater, Seaholm High School. A resident of Waterford Township, she earned both bachelor's and masters degrees from American University.
Inflation Reduction Act
The recently passed Inflation Reduction Act, a 730-page piece of legislation, addresses health-care costs, the issue of climate change, raises taxes on some larger companies and reduces the deficit. Congresswoman Haley Stevens voted in favor of the act in the House. Had you been in Congress, would you have supported this legislation? Why or why not? Are there specific portions of this Act to which you object and are there items you feel should have been included in this legislation?
Rising costs are squeezing too many hardworking families and seniors in Michigan’s 11th District and across our country. The Inflation Reduction Act – historic legislation that lowers energy costs, out-of-pocket costs of prescription drugs, combats climate change, tackles the deficit, and generates millions of good-paying jobs – fully paid for by finally making big corporations pay their fair share in taxes. The Inflation Reduction Act will offer Michigan families much-needed relief and I am proud to have supported this common sense legislation.
Military aid to Ukraine
The United States has given untold billions in finances and military equipment to Ukraine in its battle with Russia. Should there be an established limit on how long we can afford to keep funneling funding and weapons to Ukraine? Please explain.
I remain absolutely sickened over the images and reports coming daily from Ukraine. My heart is with the incredibly brave Ukrainians who have had their lives uprooted overnight and continue to see their cities ravaged by Putin’s brutal regime. We must continue to lead by example and support democracies across the globe. Putin’s attack on Ukraine was an attack on democracy everywhere. The United States Congress has led the world in supporting Ukraine from both a defense and humanitarian perspective and must continue to do so.
Classified documents at Mar-a-Lago
With the recent action taken by the Department of Justice to retrieve government documents of varying classification levels from the home of former President Donald Trump, there is the question of whether the former president should face enforcement on a number of federal acts that provide penalties for illegally taking critical documents as he left the White House. What is your position on this issue?
I am deeply concerned about the recent revelations that disgraced former President Donald Trump concealed highly classified materials from federal law enforcement officials. I voted twice to impeach this president because of behavior that was unacceptable for the office he held and this is yet another example of Mr. Trump’s belief that he and his family are above the law. I fully support the DOJ as they investigate this matter. No one is above the rule of law and we must have accountability.
Israel-Palestine conflict
Both political parties have consistently offered support for Israel, initially as it was the lone democratic state in the Middle East. However, in the last decade there has been a growing divide in that support, with the rise of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement on college campuses, continuing conflict between Palestinians and Israelis, and the lack of focus by this and the last administration to address the two-state solution. Where do you align on the issue of Israeli and Palestinian concerns and economic support of Israel? Is it a religious issue or a democracy issue?
I am proud of my commitment to the U.S.-Israel relationship and will continue working in Congress to support policies that strengthen our alliance. I will stand alongside Israel against the BDS movement, which seeks to undermine Israel’s economy and legitimacy. I believe in Israel’s fundamental right to self-defense. As the only democracy in the Middle East and our strongest ally in the region, Israel’s safety is paramount to American interests at home and abroad. I believe in the worth and value of every Palestinian and every Israeli and will work to support a negotiated solution resulting in two states – a democratic Jewish State of Israel, and a viable, democratic Palestinian state – living side-by-side in peace, security, and mutual recognition. In my re-election effort I am proud to have the endorsements of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Democratic Majority for Israel, and the Jewish Democratic Council of America.
Immigration reform
Title 42, which allowed the federal government to turn back immigrants at the border during a public health crisis such as COVID-19, was due to expire at the end of May. Estimates are that Title 42 allowed the U.S. to turn away some two million immigrants in the past couple of years. Southern states in particular are concerned, along with critics in general, that the current administration lacks a clear policy of how to deal with immigrants at our southern border. Further, several groups are calling for a complete overhaul of the immigration policy. What do you feel is needed in terms of an immigration policy at this time?
Unfortunately, our immigration system is broken and needs comprehensive reform. In Congress, I have voted repeatedly to secure our borders and worked to provide a path to citizenship for those living, working, and paying taxes in the U.S., and serving in our military. Dreamers are American in every way except on a piece of paper, and the United States is the only home they have ever known. I have also supported bipartisan proposals to make it easier for high-skilled immigrants to come here through the employment-based green card system and contribute to our economy. We need safety and fairness in our immigration system now.
National health care insurance
We often hear the concept that health care is a right for everyone. But it would appear that candidates have a slightly different approach for how to handle health insurance. Please explain in detail your health insurance policy position and the potential cost to the government/taxpayers for this.
Michiganders must continue to be able to choose the best health care for themselves and their families. I strongly support the Affordable Care Act, and Medicare, and Medicaid expansion. Last year saw record levels of sign ups for the ACA, which means that this program is working and stronger than ever. I support Congress considering legislation that provides individuals more options for care, like a public option and opportunities for individuals to buy into Medicare. It’s unacceptable that Americans remain uninsured due to job loss or high costs. I have voted twice to allow Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices which would have an incredible impact for our seniors in addition to capping monthly insulin costs.
2020 presidential election results
Do you accept the presidential election results of 2020 in Michigan? Will you accept the results of the 2022 primary and general election? Explain why or why not.
Yes. I believe in democracy and a peaceful and smooth transition of power. I will of course accept the outcomes of the 2022 primary and general election. I am saddened that this question even needs to be asked.
Your top issues
What would you list as your top three-five issues that you hope to address in this next term of Congress?
Lowering costs for families! From prices at the pump, to child care, to college, Americans are feeling price pressures – and middle and working class families are bearing the brunt. For eighteen months I have been the leading congressional voice on passing the CHIPS Act and bringing relief to our automotive manufacturers – the economic engine of Oakland County. I am proud to sit on the committee that is overseeing the passage of that bill and next Congress will continue to be a champion for Michigan’s automotive sector. I will continue to be a champion for women at a time where our rights are under attack by radical Republicans like never before. I voted for a bill that will make Roe v. Wade national law while representing one of the most endangered seats in Congress. I will never stop fighting for a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions.
Why voters should select you
Tell us why voters should select you over your opponent in this race. Please be specific in drawing your comparisons.
As a proud daughter of Oakland County, the mission that drives my entire office is delivering for Michigan’s 11th Congressional District. I am so proud that we have returned over $100 million dollars to constituents that came to us with casework needs. This is by far the most of the Michigan delegation and one of the highest totals in the entire Congress. We have helped veterans access benefits, small businesses get COVID aid to keep their doors open and assisted seniors who were facing the loss of their homes. Further, I delivered $18 million dollars through community funded projects ranging from infrastructure to critical mental health response programs to updating Livonia’s senior center. When Michiganders need help accessing benefits or navigating complex federal processes, and when municipalities need a strong voice in Washington, they know they can count on me to get the job done. My record of delivery is proof positive of that.

Mark Ambrose is an investment banker with Wells Fargo Bank who lives in Bloomfield Township. He served in the U.S. Army, earning the rank of captain. He is a graduate of West Point Military Academy, and received an MBA from Columbia University Business School and a master of international affairs from Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs. He has been involved with Financial and Estate Planning Council of Metro Detroit and Homes for Autism.
Inflation Reduction Act
As is the case with too much legislation produced by this Congress, unrelated initiatives are packed together in one bill. In this scaled-down version of Build Back Better, there are aspects that I support and others that are irresponsible. For example, I support the effort to reduce drug costs, but I do not support the hiring of 87,000 IRS agents. I am an advocate of renewable energy, but I also believe that the free markets are the most efficient way to allocate resources and bring about lasting change. We appear to be entering a stagflationary environment, similar to the one our country endured under President Carter. The misnamed Inflation Reduction Act, coupled with $300 billion in unwarranted student loan forgiveness, will add to the inflation that we are suffering through. The debt burden that these initiatives will force on our children and grandchildren is indefensible.
Military aid to Ukraine
While it is difficult to give a precise dollar figure for the limit of U.S. support, I am opposed to giving Ukraine weapons systems that would allow it to strike deep within Russian territory. That could be construed as an escalation that would carry the risk of NATO entanglement. Our current response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is largely correct. The Biden Administration was right to dismiss the loud voices advocating for the U.S. to impose a “No Fly Zone” over Ukraine. That would have meant a willingness on the part of the U.S. to kill Russian pilots, a step that could have spiraled out of control. Prior to this conflict, however, the Biden Administration removed sanctions on Russia’s Nordstream 2 Pipeline. The administration was also responsible for the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Those actions demonstrated appeasement and weakness, and they served as a dangerous signal to Vladimir Putin.
Classified documents at Mar-a-Lago
I condemn in the strongest terms any threat against the FBI or the Justice Department. I support law and order and honor our law enforcement at every level. They are public servants and heroes. As of late August, we had not seen any portion of the affidavit that justified an FBI search of former President’s Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago. Until we have that information, I will reserve judgment on this extraordinary step by the Justice Department. I am deeply troubled by the prosecution through leaks technique that employees within the Justice Department appear to be utilizing again. They damage the department’s credibility by leaking to The Washington Post and New York Times only those details of the investigation that they think will hurt the former president. At the same time, Merrick Garland argues to keep secret the details within the affidavit. Those employees responsible for the leaks must be prosecuted.
Israel-Palestine conflict
First, I would disagree with the premise that the last administration had a lack of focus when it comes to Israel as President Trump’s administration achieved the historic establishment of our embassy in Jerusalem. My response to this question is not anecdotal but very personal and based on experience as I have stayed in Akko, Israel (an Arab town near the border with Lebanon) and I have traveled to Nazareth, also an Arab town within Israel. The people living there are full citizens of the state of Israel, enjoying all the rights and freedoms of that country. They have representation in the Knesset, and the Israeli-Arabs I spoke with had no interest in moving to either the West Bank or the Gaza Strip. When I traveled to the West Bank, it was a starkly different situation. It was chaotic, poorly-governed by Fatah, and there did not seem to be any real protections for religious minorities. We must stand with democracies and those countries that protect all their citizens, regardless of their ethnic or religious group. It is for that reason that Israel has my unwavering support. The Palestinian people must stop electing terrorist groups, like Hamas in Gaza, in order to be eligible for any type of support from the United States.
Immigration reform
This administration’s neglect of the crisis at our border is hurting both U.S. citizens and illegal immigrants. It is irresponsible and cynical. I am a strong supporter of legal immigration and support those who wish to abide by our nation’s laws and processes to become lawful citizens of the United States. As an Army reservist, I served along our southern border in Arizona. I was shocked at the violence this small Arizona town endured due to human trafficking and drug smuggling. This is not sustainable, and it is killing U.S. citizens and illegal immigrants alike. Our priority must be to secure our southern border.
National health care insurance
From a constitutional standpoint, legal minds with years of experience still argue over whether healthcare is a right or not. While we often hear of healthcare described a right, that does not mean it is universally accepted. It is, however, the right and decent thing to do to care for those who are unable to care for themselves. We need to have a safety net to protect our most vulnerable neighbors, but the government should not mandate the type of coverage that the population at large is allowed to have. Government is inefficient in its allocation of resources. We must trust families enough to make their own decisions as to what healthcare package works best for them. Additionally, until we settle on a more moderate solution to our healthcare problem, it is virtually impossible to estimate the potential cost to taxpayers. What is clear is that the current unfunded mandates and costs associated with “Obamacare” are unsustainable. This is another reason I have posted a debt clock on my website so people can see (in real-time) the costs we are placing on our future generation’s shoulders due to Washington’s inability to find better solutions to our most pressing problems like this.
2020 presidential election results
Two principles that are foundations of our democracy are 1) Civilian control of the military and 2) The peaceful transfer of power. While Democrats questioned the validity of the 2016 election and Republicans questioned the results of the 2020 election – rule of law asserts we must accept the results of the elections of the past and work toward taking steps which will restore confidence in our electoral system in the future. I will argue strongly for reform that will strengthen our belief in the credibility of our elections, such as voter ID requirements and strict rules around absentee voting and the chain of custody for ballots. Voting rules should never again be changed by executive orders and the rulings of judges. Rule changes must be voted on by state legislators. Otherwise, too much power flows to the executive or judicial branch in each state.
Your top issues
1) Reduce inflation and improve our economy through responsible economic policies. 2) Security: border security, public safety, and honoring our police. 3) Build our military, so that it will never be challenged. 4) Create jobs for Michigan and America through fair trade and economically encourage business to invest, build and manufacture in the United States. 5) Cure Autism – dedicate resources to ending this disease.
Why voters should select you
I believe I have the background that can address some of the most pressing challenges we have today:
1). Reducing inflation – I earned an MBA from Columbia University and have worked in banking for 24 years, also earning my designation as a Chartered Financial. I understand economics and the causes of inflation. I know how to fix it. 2) Military – I am a graduate of West Point and served as a tank officer in the U.S. Army overseas and here at home. 3) Border security – While in the Army Reserve, I served along the Mexican border in Arizona and witnessed the violence and crime that a porous border invites. 3) Foreign Policy – I earned a Master of International Affairs at Columbia's School of International and Public Affairs with a specialization on Russia and the Post-Soviet states.