Insightful McDonald interview
Insightful interview and article by your news editor, Lisa Brody, with Oakland County Prosecutor Karen McDonald (July/Downtown).
A good prosecutor can do more good for a community than is commonly recognized. McDonald from her prior view as a judge could see that she could accomplish more as the county prosecutor than she could as a judge. A judge reacts to what is before her, but the prosecutor decides what kind of acts to focus on, who to prosecute and, most importantly, what will be the long-term impact of her decisions.
Her dedication to treatment courts, recognition of mental health needs and realization that incarceration is often counterproductive is a breath of fresh air for a once very narrowly focused office. One area covered in the interview was McDonald’s focus on juvenile problems and the opportunities presented to change lives.
At the same time she is not a fan of some of the anti-police rhetoric. They have a tough job and need our support. I really think she strikes the right balance. Thank you to Lisa Brody for again doing thorough research in order to prepare an excellent interview.
Marty Reisig
(Reisig is a former federal prosecutor and former defense lawyer)