Birmingham, Bloomfield Township open meetings
By Lisa Brody
Both Birmingham and Bloomfield Township will begin the month of July by reopening their municipal meetings to the public, with virtual attendance by the public continuing as an option.
Beginning July 1, 2021, the Birmingham City Commission and other city boards will meet in-person with a virtual option available to the public. According to city communications, the virtual option will be provided to help reduce the volume of people inside meeting rooms at any given time.
The Birmingham City Commission meeting on Monday, June 28, will remain virtual-only, but the commission meeting on Monday, July 12, will be open to the public.
Individuals who would like to attend meetings in person can access City Hall from the Martin Street entrance during normal business hours, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. For meetings that occur after hours, visitors can access City Hall through the police department lobby entrance on Pierce Street. City officials request that individuals who are not fully vaccinated continue to wear a mask during meetings and while in City Hall.
In Bloomfield Township, Township Hall re-opened to the public on Tuesday, June 22, with public meetings, including Bloomfield Township Board of Trustees meetings, open to the public in-person beginning Monday, July 5. The first trustees' board meeting open to the public will be Monday, July 12. Residents can continue to watch the meetings on cable TV and the township website.