Democrats not the solution
Many thanks for your publication. Relative to David Hohendorf’s June column, he was harsh on the President and “GOP congressional enablers.” The President’s bombastic style is clearly not to be admired. However, I respectfully submit Hohendorf’s criticism would have more credibility if he took the time to focus on what the other political party has done to improve the well being of those who live in inner cities such as Detroit. The Democrats have been running most large metropolitan areas for more than 50 years. And as Hohendorf stated – “Not much has changed.” If anything, in the area of education, it appears a child growing up in Detroit is worse off now than 50 years ago. And yet when schools of choice are suggested as an alternative to unsafe public schools, there is one political party who creates roadblocks, and it is not the GOP. The Dems do not want to lose the financial support of the teachers’ unions, so they forsake the children and I suspect this occurs in every state of the union. In states such as Florida where progress is being made on alternatives to public education, it is the GOP that is leading the charge. It is my understanding there are long waiting lists for charter schools in cities like New York where the minority parents have had their fill of the poor quality of education in public schools. If you know of any local Democrats who support schools of choice, they should be commended but good luck finding any.
Name withheld on request Birmingham