Sep 1, 2016
September 2016
The proverbial “big tent” that Michigan Republican politicians have talked about for the past three decades got a bit smaller in recent...

Aug 1, 2016
August 2016
As Downtown newsmagazine has reported on the political turmoil engulfing Bloomfield Township the past two years, my first reaction is...

Jul 1, 2016
July 2016
As we approach the November general election it will be interesting to see whether leaders of the move to introduce mass transit, or as...

Jun 1, 2016
June 2016
As a general rule, gathering information each month and finally sitting down to bang out my column for the current issue, I attempt to...

May 1, 2016
May 2016
Be involved in the actual “system” if you want to effect change. Once you are there, master the rules of the organization and the...

Apr 1, 2016
April 2016
This month I am hoping readers of this column will take the time to help to bring some pressure on state lawmakers who now have the...

Mar 1, 2016
March 2016
Little did anyone know, I am sure, in 1941 that the first real effort at creating a highway in Michigan – to bring workers to a bomber...

Feb 1, 2016
February 2016
Crisis of confidence. That probably captures best what many in the state of Michigan are experiencing as we watch the drama unfolding...

Jan 1, 2016
January 2016
Many months ago I had the opportunity to catch breakfast with Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard, which proved enlightening in terms...

Dec 1, 2015
December 2015
Political columnist, author, presidential speechwriter (Nixon administration) and journalist William Safire (1929-2009) defines a...