Aug 29, 2023
County's role in leaded aviation gas issue
Kids often love watching airplanes take off and land at airports. And those who live close to local airports have the joy of gawking at...
Aug 29, 2023
Brian Kepes was the right man for the job
At 5:31 p.m. August 31, Bloomfield Township Treasurer Brian Kepes will officially walk out of Township Hall as a resident of the...
Jul 25, 2023
License plate readers a crime fighting tool
While it sure sounds like Big Brother, police leaders in Bloomfield Township and Birmingham assure us that automated license plate...
Jul 25, 2023
Recall for political reasons not appropriate
As we were going to press, we became aware of a statewide effort to recall five state Democratic House members, and one Republican House...
Jun 27, 2023
A home for Birmingham's over 50 population
Cris Braun, executive director of Birmingham Next, reminds us in her monthly column in this issue of the following: “It is said that a...
Jun 27, 2023
Happy retirement, city manager Tom Markus
In November 2010, we said au revoir to Birmingham City Manager Tom Markus after 22 years at the helm of the city. This time, we bid him...
May 30, 2023
Taming Woodward through Birmingham
Woodward Avenue is more than a road to somewhere else – once the world's first road to have a section paved, as reporter Stacy Gittleman...
May 30, 2023
Not every commissioner is mayoral quality
The old saying is that reality is a bitch. We're here to tell you there's a lot of truth to that. And in the future, some Birmingham city...
Apr 25, 2023
Changes still needed to pending bottle bill
Michigan's 1976 bottle bill law, which provides for return of containers for carbonated drinks, could be on the verge of being updated to...
Apr 25, 2023
Finally addressing plague of gun violence
As we note in our story on improvements local school are making towards school security in the wake of unprecedented school shootings and...