Nov 1, 2015
Update state sex offender registry law
It's not often that the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and conservative Republican members of the state legislature agree on the...
Oct 1, 2015
Our candidate choices for November vote
Residents in Birmingham and Bloomfield Hills are being asked to choose among a large field of candidates to fill seats on their city...
Sep 1, 2015
Require use of municipal e-mail accounts
A recent survey of Oakland County municipal governments found that nearly 30 percent of elected municipal officials use private e-mail...
Sep 1, 2015
Charter no place for road restriction
By definition, a city or municipal charter is a legal document establishing a municipality, and it determines the laws by which the city...
Aug 1, 2015
Bloomfield treasurer Devine must resign
We want readers to know in advance that what you are about to read has been under discussion for months in the offices of Downtown...
Jul 1, 2015
The secret regional water authority talks
Cooperation across the region is usually something we applaud. However, the recent news that the Great Lakes Water Authority had signed a...
Jul 1, 2015
Getting marijuana business under control
Michigan's medical marijuana business is growing like a weed, one which local municipalities would be wise to get under some form of...
Jun 1, 2015
Hold on platforms until parking resolved
Birmingham is enjoying a problem many other communities would love to have – an extreme shortage of parking caused by nearly full...
Jun 1, 2015
Test of three lanes on Maple wise move
For the last couple of years, the city of Birmingham, businesses and many residents having been weighing in on a proposal to possibly...
May 1, 2015
Sales tax increase should be rejected
Michigan lawmakers failed last year to pass a bill to adequately fund the state's crumbling roads and decided to forego their duty and...