Jan 1, 2017
The vital watersheds of Oakland County
Oakland County is a rich ecological wonderland, with its inland lakes, streams and rivers, state parks, natural woodlands, quarries, and...
Jan 1, 2017
Thanks for the good work, John and Sheri
It isn't often that both halves of a couple are both employed in the public sector, and both are deserved of praise for work in their...
Dec 1, 2016
Lengthy, no-bid contracts must end now
News earlier this fall that Rizzo Environmental Services, recently rebranded as GFL Environmental after an October sale to an Ontario,...
Dec 1, 2016
The Birmingham downtown road projects
The holiday season may be here, but in Birmingham, they're also planning for that other important season – road construction in 2017,...
Nov 1, 2016
Safeguarding our water quality
Nearly half of us use at least one prescription drug each month, with 20 percent of the population needing at least three prescriptions...
Nov 1, 2016
Ban use of coal tar sealants
In September, Downtown newsmagazine explored the use and associated health risks of using pavement sealants derived from coal tar, which...
Oct 1, 2016
Our endorsements for November election
Tuesday, November 8, voters are being asked to decide who will represent them in a number of elective offices. Birmingham school voters...
Sep 1, 2016
Regional transit plan: more details needed
We want to be clear right from the beginning – we are very supportive of the concept of mass transit, and absolutely believe the...
Sep 1, 2016
Mandate annual school water quality testing
Lead and copper contamination discovered in at least a dozen Oakland County school districts makes clear the need for water quality...
Jul 1, 2016
Our endorsements for August primary
As part of the August 2 primary election, a number of political party standard bearers will be chosen for a few local and county offices,...