Oct 24, 2017
Michigan must regulate use of dicamba
Reports of massive crop damage in several southern states caused by vaporized plumes of the herbicide dicamba that have spawned at least...
Oct 24, 2017
Birmingham: reconsider toxic weedkiller
Birmingham is a community which considers itself fiscally responsible and environmentally progressive, which is why we were so surprised,...
Oct 1, 2017
Defining ‘personal services’ in Birmingham
After months of planning board meetings, joint city meetings, shopping district and building owners meeting with attorneys, it has come...
Oct 1, 2017
Oakland emergency preparations lacking
As we examined in depth in this month’s issue Oakland County and local municipalities’ emergency preparations and hazard mitigation for...
Sep 1, 2017
Abused women and today’s court system
It’s hard to know what goes on behind the closed doors of our neighbors’ homes, or what makes a marriage tick. But we can all agree that...
Sep 1, 2017
Let’s get Birmingham back on track
For a top-tier city, Birmingham has a problem that is beginning to prove costly – for businesses and residents – and has the potential to...
Aug 1, 2017
City parking crisis: less talk, more action
What would happen to Birmingham if they ran out of places for people to park their cars? It’s more than a rhetorical question, as...
Aug 1, 2017
Revamp system to curtail gerrymandering
Efforts to end the politically-rigged process of redrawing electoral districts, known as gerrymandering, that may soon have a realistic...
Jul 1, 2017
Birmingham focus must remain on retail
Urgent city meetings are occurring in Birmingham to clarify the definition of personal services for the purpose of determining whether...
Jul 1, 2017
Education needed to combat rising STDs
The startling and alarming rise in sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among young people aged 15 to 24 and gay males in this country,...