City commission stalls on marijuana ordinance
Birmingham city commissioners tabled discussions of a drafted Marijuana Ordinance at their meeting on Monday, April 24, directing the city…
Apr 28, 2023
Tenant’s rights ordinance tabled by Birmingham
Commentary from citizens and landlord attorneys convinced the Birmingham City Commission to table a decision on passing a tenant’s rights…
Apr 28, 2023
Commission code of conduct target of workshop
The Birmingham City Commission on Monday, April 24, decided to schedule for mid-summer another workshop meeting to discuss the development…
Apr 28, 2023
Township decides on federal ARPA funds spending
Bloomfield Township Director of Cable and Community Relations Carrie LeZotte presented the board of trustees on Monday, April 24…
Apr 28, 2023
Township board approves water, sewer rate hikes
Resolutions to raise water and sewer rates for the 2023-2024 fiscal year passed unanimously at the Bloomfield Township Board of Trustees…
Apr 28, 2023
Birmingham man falls victim to hefty wire fraud
A Birmingham resident says he is the victim of a wire fraud after he reported roughly $100,000 worth of crypto currency stolen from his...
Apr 28, 2023
Stolen Birmingham vehicle recovered in Detroit
A vehicle’s tracking app saved a Birmingham resident from her car being gone for good after the vehicle was located and recovered by...
Apr 28, 2023
Items taken from car in Park Street structure
Roughly $3,000 worth of items were taken from a Waterford woman’s car after a thief shattered the passenger side window while it was...
Apr 28, 2023
Two arrested with stolen merchandise in car
Bloomfield Township police arrested two women on Monday, April 17, after finding $1,600 worth of stolen merchandise from Bath and Body...
Apr 28, 2023

What are local schools doing for student safety?
Nashville. Oxford. Michigan State University. Uvalde. Parkland. Newtown. Columbine. The list is long, as are our memories, of youths who…
Apr 25, 2023