Feb 25
New community center
Your February Endnote analysis and recommendations regarding the new Birmingham Community Center/Next/YMCA project made a lot of sense...
Feb 25
Put FOIA on ballot
I loved David Hohendorf’s column in the February isaue. We desperately need FOIA in Michigan state government and we need to get the dark...
Feb 25
Resist even harder
Donald Trump taking the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Agreement is the opposite of what needs to be done in the face of the L.A....
Jan 30
State deforestation
The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) yielded to Michigan (Governor Gretchen) Whitmer to build a green energy plant. Such a plant is...
Jan 30
Immigration article
Stacy Gittleman’s article on immigration (January/Downtown) was one of the best researched, documented and written articles on...
Jan 30
Inspiring column
Thank you for the inspiring December “From The Publisher.” It was nice to hear how David Hohendorf and his family survived this election...
Jan 30
Rebranding Pontiac
I enjoyed the recent Downtown Newsmagazine and David Hohendorf’s year-end review of all that impacts the Birmingham and Bloomfield area....
Oct 23, 2024
Sustainability plan questions
I read Stacy Gittleman’s excellent essay on Sustainability in your recent (October) issue with great interest, though it raised some...